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American Patriot
I bleed red, white and blue!!!! I am a daughter of the first American Revolution; half of my family goes back to the time of the Mayflower, the other half immigrated from Greece. My Greek grandfather was the first American to make radio contact with the Russians to help U.S. win WWII, Captain John D. Raikos, and went on to become a successful lawyer in Indiana. He was granted certiorari to argue before the Supreme Court of the United States, fought for civil rights, and believed we should go back to the gold standard.
I am proud of my family and my heritage and I will always fight for American Independence and America First.
I graduated cum laude from Arizona State University with a B.S. in Marketing from the great W.P. Carey School of Business, a minor in Mass Communications from the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communications, and the International Business Certificate offered by W.P. Carey.
I graduated law school with a Juris Doctor from University of San Diego School of Law with a dual concentration in Intellectual Property Law and Business & Corporate Law. Before even taking the CA bar exam, I filed suit in United States Federal Court in the Southern District of California in Tiffany v. Twitter, Perkins Coie, USD, et al. in 2017. My Twitter case contained many claims including copyright infringement, RICO violations, defamation, and more for harassment I endured and illegal conduct related to my support of our great Republic and our American values.
I am not yet a licensed attorney, but have much great personal legal experience. I still firmly believe Congress should repeal the Communications Decency Act § 230 (CDA230), as well as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I am an advocate for the truth, free speech, and doing what's right.
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